Employee Anniversary
Today we are pleased to congratulate our 17th member of the 20s club.
Dear Michaela,
February 2023 is a special month for you, because you too have been part of the Möller family for 20 years.
Thank you very much at this point for your loyalty. It makes us very proud!
You share a place with the following celebrities:
- Thomas Thalmann
- Torsten Balke
- Ronny Jelinek
- Robert Stankiewicz
- Manuela Bulla
- Michael Marx
- Beate Jünemann
- Ronald Michalak
- Christine Madeheim
- Thomas Heller
- Kathrin Stagun
- Beate Wenzel
- Doreen Möller
- Ulrike Hofmann
- Manuela Schulze
- Elke Kursch